Habitat Cubbies

Habitat Cubbies
A Habitat for Adventurous Children
Habitat Cubbies are climbable sculptures inspired by nature and by the way children interact with their environment. The artwork is both a place for adventurous play and a habitat for imaginative children, honeycombed with cocoon-like spaces to curl up in.
The cubbies have been developed with Ryde Council landscape architects, to work sympathetically with the landscaping and planting of native trees and grasses on site. Texture, colour and form give the artwork strong links back to the remnant Turpentine and Stringy Bark forest in ELS Park. Ochres have been added to the concrete as it was poured so that the concrete visually relates to the sandstone used extensively on the site. The cubbies are constructed from cast concrete. Similar to a habitat log, the cubbies have numerous round openings that form peep holes and entry points.